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Get the Facts | Test, Trace, Treat

Spread the facts: Not everyone with #COVID-19 shows symptoms. Testing is the only way to be sure you have the virus. Remember, testing positive is not a death sentence. You can recover if you seek treatment. Tell your family and friends to get tested & spread the facts. Visit:

#TargetCOVID19 #GetTested#TestTraceTreat

@africanunion_officialpage @africacdc @who_africa @OnebyOne2030

Get the Facts | Test, Trace, Treat

Spread the facts: Not everyone with #COVID19 shows symptoms
Testing is the only way to be sure
Testing positive is not a death sentence, you CAN recover!
#GetTested #TestTraceTreat #TargetCOVID19

@AfricaCDC @_AfricanUnion @WHOAFRO @OnebyOne2030 Visit:

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Inaendeshwa na The Access Challenge, sekretarieti ya Kampeni ya One by One: Target 2030
Jihusishe: Kazi

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